Penpont Heritage Centre

Joseph Thomson's Family History

A large amount of information on the family history of Joseph Thomson  has been gathered over the years and many of his family descendants have made contact with the Joseph Thomson Group.

At the end of 2017 the Thomson and Browns Family Tree 1750 onwards was handed over to the recently formed Joseph Thomson Maasai Trust run mainly by his descendants for them to become the keepers.
However, the Joseph Thomson Group, which runs Thomson’s birthplace and local Heritage Centre in Penpont which was opened by the Duke of Buccleuch in 2014, maintains a rich selection of biographical material, including artefacts, books, photographs, film and computer presentations built up over the last twenty years.  

Information on the extended Joseph Thomson family tree can be obtained by e-mailing


    If you would like to make a donation to the JosephThomson Group, please click here to contact us. Thank you.



































































































































































































































































































The Centre is open by appointment for visits.  For further information about how a visit can be arranged,  please  click here to contact us. 

Events -

Summer opening

The Heritage Centre will be open on Saturdays from 2pm-4pm during July including an exhibition about Kirkpatrick Macmillan

Please see our events page for more information about events, recent visits and past events.



You can find the Post Office in the Joseph Thomson Room within the Centre on Wednesday afternoons between 2.00 - 3.00 pm.



If you are looking for any heritage information please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here


Group Bookings

We welcome visits by individuals, groups and school parties.  Please contact us discuss possible future bookings. 

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Become a Friend

Would you like to help this Centre continue and flourish?

If YES you could:

1. Become a member.

2. Donate/loan materials to our archives.

3. Help fund running costs by becoming a friend.

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