Penpont Heritage Centre

About Us

The Joseph Thomson Local Heritage Centre is run by the the Joseph Thomson Group, a group of member volunteers from Penpont, Keir and Tynron. Originally established as The Joseph Thomson Project Steering Group in September 1998 under the auspices of Penpont Community Council, many volunteers worked hard for many years to make the dream of a Heritage Centre a reality: different members focused on building up archives, doing research on Joseph Thomson's life, securing the building, renovating the building, obtaining funding, keeping enthusiasm alive. On the 29th of April 2014 it finally all came together and the Centre was officially declared open.

The purpose of the Group is to tell the story of Joseph Thomson, Penpont's most famous son who was born in Sundial Cottage and to find a place for archives relating to Joseph and the Thomson family as well as other local heritage resources.

Sundial Cottage belongs to Buccleuch Estates and the Group has negotiated a long lease for the property.

The Joseph Thomson Group was registered as charity No. SC029176 in January 1999.


Currently the committee is made up as follows:

Honorary President: Sophia Harkness

Chair-person: Alison Foggie

Secretary: Alison Lane

Treasurer: Gladys Cuttle

Archivist:  Gladys Cuttle

Committee: Margaret Dempster


                   Linda McDonald   Web site manager

                   Marlene Marshall  Email manager

                   JoAnne McKay    Researcher

                   John McKay



If you would like to make a donation to the group, please click here to contact us. Thank you.



The Centre is open by appointment for visits.  For further information about how a visit can be arranged,  please  click here to contact us. 

Events -

Summer opening

The Heritage Centre will be open on Saturdays from 2pm-4pm during July including an exhibition about Kirkpatrick Macmillan

Please see our events page for more information about events, recent visits and past events.



You can find the Post Office in the Joseph Thomson Room within the Centre on Wednesday afternoons between 2.00 - 3.00 pm.



If you are looking for any heritage information please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here


Group Bookings

We welcome visits by individuals, groups and school parties.  Please contact us discuss possible future bookings. 

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Become a Friend

Become a Friend

Would you like to help this Centre continue and flourish?

If YES you could:

1. Become a member.

2. Donate/loan materials to our archives.

3. Help fund running costs by becoming a friend.

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